Preparing a mixture is not that difficult you have to follow some easy steps. The solution is usually sold out and shipped as a dry powder within the glass ampoule. Melanotan can’t be sold-out pre-mixed, as a result of once mixed with sterile water it’s to be unbroken within the icebox or it’ll lose its tanning efficiency. You can also buy the nasal spray by clicking on this link

Step 1– You have to open the sterile water bottle by snapping off its head. the highest of the bottle can return off simply as they’re designed to be used in this fashion.

Step 2- Then flip the opened sterile water bottle the wrong way up and insert a hypoglycaemic agent syringe in it.

Step 3- Withdraw 1ml (100 IU) of sterile water into associate degree hypoglycaemic agent syringe.

melanotan 2

Step 4- take away flip-off cap from Melanotan two ampoule

Step 5– pierce hypoglycaemic agent syringe’s needle through the Melanotan ampoule rubber cap therefore, the needle is planning to glass facet of the ampoule, in a roundabout way to Melanotan powder. Slowly inject one mil (100 IU) of sterile water into the Melanotan ampoule.

Step 6– You have to stir the ampoule gently till the white powder has utterly dissolved in water. currently, you’ve got able to use Melanotan with an amount of zero.1ml – 1mg. You have to be compelled to add 1ml of sterile water to Melanotan ampoule once.

Why you should know about your skin type?

It is really necessary to know the skin tone and, you can know that by Fitzpatrick skin type and take the dosage accordingly daily. It is also necessary to understand that Melanotan 2 will always give advantages to the upper spectrum of the Fitzpatrick skin type chart. People who fall into type 1 and second will take a longer time than the other skin types for tanning. They will also enjoy an easy maintenance cycle once their ideal skin type is achieved. If you don’t know that what s Fitzpatrick’s skin type chart then visit the Lovemelanotan website they, have clearly shown every skin type.